Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Birth (2004)

This film just goes on and on. It hints that it is going to have an interesting resolution, but it never arrives. If you cut out the long, meaningless pauses it would probably be a half-hour film, but still an utterly silly conception.

There are interesting backgrounds at times, which is a good thing as it gives you something to look at. I find it odd thought that people who evidently have lots of money have so little taste that the live in places that look like cheap hotels.

The genuine husband in the film is such an unappealing character that it seems odd that anybody would wish to marry him, let alone the actress who is quite attractive.

The film is also utterly lacking in any humour. It is a silly conception but a few, even bad, jokes would have made it less like a lead balloon.

Don't watch it.


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